Public Life and Politics Stop 4

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As we gaze upon the architectural elegance of our Old Capitol, I’d like to tell you about my life in politics. I figured it would be a good idea to make sure that public policy, legislation and taxation supported the continuation and growth of my high-quality bourbons and ryes. So, as it happened, Frankfort elected me Mayor for a total of 17 fruitful years. Then they went and  elected me as their state representative and I had a couple of terms as their state senator. And right there, in that Old Capitol, I held my seat, and conducted the business of my constituents.  

Frankfort is one of our nation’s smallest capital cities. Lexington and Louisville have been vying to take it away from us for as long as I can remember. So, when it came time to move from this Old Capitol, to a new Capitol, I personally gave $12,000 to the building fund to make sure it stayed right here, in my town. 

Meanwhile, as a distiller, I had an ongoing problem. There were many unscrupulous characters, also known as rectifiers, who were selling poorly-distilled, rotgut whiskies, colored brown by all manner of undesirable ingredients like iodine, shoe leather and tobacco spit, and their customers were getting sick and dying. This situation was the bane of my existence. So, I sent my son Edmund to Washington D.C. and we succeeded in passing the Bottled in Bond Act of 1897 which I am proud to say, was  the first Consumer Protection Act to be passed in the United States. This Bottled-in-Bond stamp guaranteed the authenticity of the whiskey, gave a tax incentive to the producers and ensured the proper accounting and collection of the tax that was due to the government. 

I call that a win-win. For me – and my customers.

So, you can thank me, as you enjoy a quality bourbon in one of Frankfort’s esteemed drinking establishments, knowing that you’re not drinking colored moonshine that just might kill you. 

For Stop #5, continue along the Broadway Railroad tracks to Ann Street and turn right.


Frankfort Bourbon SocietyJoanna Hay ProductionsCity of FrankfortCapital City Museum